My tutorial comes from Create Smart Playlists to find which of your songs are Apple Music, in the cloud, and more only my tutorial uses a more step-by-step approach.
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Ever wonder where your music gets stored whether you’re subscribed to iTunes match or apple music? If you’re subscribed to iTunes match, it will attempt to match all the songs you currently own with songs available on the iTunes Store, the rest are uploaded to your iCloud music library the original songs stay where they are. The same goes for Apple Music except for the songs you own are matched with songs in the Apple Music library, the only caveat with having just Apple music once you download those songs which you add to your library a little thing called DRM(digital rights management) is added so you don’t willy-nilly run off and use the songs. To differentiate between the two I’m going to show you how to create smart playlists for iTunes match and Apple music respectively.
Tutorial Requirements
To make a smart playlist for Apple music:
- click on and select new smart playlist.
- make the first condition .
- click and make the other condition .
- Click and you should get something like
To make a smart playlist for iTunes match:
- click on and select new smart playlist.
- make the first condition .
- hit the option key until you get … click that and make the nested condition .
- Set the first nested condition to .
- click and set the second nested condition to .
- click again and set the last nested condition to .
- click and you should get something like .
There you have it two smart playlists to differentiate between iTunes match and Apple music, and (going off on a tangent here) whether or not you’re subscribed to either iTunes match or Apple music or both I found out they actually work together even though they’re separate services.
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