Ever wanted to reference any LDS scriptures in your blog that you want to study further? Ever wanted to reference any LDS scriptures to correlate with what you say in your blog? Have I got a wordpress plugin for you. It’s called the LDS Scripture Linker and it essentially converts any scripture reference you put on your blog into links to said scripture references which will be highlighted when the link is clicked. I’m going to layout how to use the plugin and then at the end I will demonstrate how to use it.
Tutorial Requirements
- Make sure the LDS Scripture Linker is installed and activated.
- Configure or set up the plugin to suit your needs. I set the plugin up like this:
- Choose a current event or a holiday in which you can reference your favorite story.
- Now comes the cool part write a blog post and include your scripture reference.
Demonstration and Conclusion
Here are a few examples of stories in LDS scripture including the Bible that correlate with some of our holidays:
- Independence Day: Alma 46:12-16
- Christmas: 3 Nephi 1:15, Luke 2:7
- Easter: Luke 24:4-6, 3 Nephi 11:7-11
And there you have it a way to reference scriptures that correlate with whatever you can think of.
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